Welcome to the wonderful world of dog owership!
Training a young puppy is an important part of your dog growing into a well balanced adult. We offer a puppy training service where we use positive reinforcement to teach your puppy simple commands. Either one-on-one with the puppy, or alongside the owners, or in group classes teaching you the techniques, timing, and consistency required for success.
Pre Puppy Consult
Thinking about welcoming a new, four legged, member of the family? Then our ‘pre puppy consult’ will set you up for success before you even start.
There are so many variables to consider when thinking about getting a puppy. We can help you navigate, ask the right questions, and set you up at home ready for your new arrival. Over a decade of experience and passion go into our guidance, we can help select a breed and line suitable to your lifestyle, and breeder who will give the puppies the best start in life – so much is learned in those first 8-12 weeks! We can prepare you with our top tips and what to expect on your first night, and help to puppy proof your home set up to maximise training effectiveness. Answer any questions you may have about food, vaccines, flea/worm, exercise, grooming, insurance, etc with impartial advice, presenting all sides so that you can make an informed decision.

Puppy Consult
Congratulations on your new family member, who might actually be a shark in a cute puppy shaped disguise!
Our private puppy consults are for those who already have the pup home and would like some early training & behaviour advice. These are usually done as a home visit as it allows us to see the pups set up, and we can demonstrate practical ways to manage behaviour in real time, as well as advise on prevention strategies. We cover toilet training, biting, sleep, routines, and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your pups general wellbeing and behaviour.
Puppy Class
Group class aimed at the real babies, so we cap our upper age limit at 6 months, this ensures appropriate age related play between pups.
Puppy socialisation, confidence building and teamwork activities. Designed to provide positive, managed exposure to everyday elements your pup may have not seen before. Focusing on zero pressure free work with owner to build their bond and overcome environmental stress.
45 min sessions roughly split into 15m supervised play, 15m on the equipment, and 15m training/q&a.
Classes are held outdoors at the training field in summer, and indoors in winter at the St.Austell 1st Scout Hall. Puppies are welcome after their first jab (if having them). Max 5 per group, booked online.
Pup Start
4 week course led by Jack to introduce you and your dogs to some of the key concepts of dog training.
Ideal for those in between Puppy Class and Foundations, for those that are just a bit too old for pup class but not quite ready for foundations, and for new owner-dog partnerships such as rescue/rehomes.
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